Sometimes bloggers face in a situation when there is nothing interesting happening in the community, they don't find topics to write about. This situation happens mostly to bloggers who write about Technology or some other kind of stuff, which is different to a blogger who writes about personal blog.

Because being a writer and a blogger is not an easy job. Some dedicate to blog on a regular basis, and others depending on the amount of time and enthusiasm. That is really cool, but the matter is the content that you share with your readers.

When a blogger think about all these reasons, such as how they want the post to be popular and liked, or is the topic really good enough to be shared? and tons of questions come in mind, often such kind of situation can put a roadblock in his blogging passion and have an impact on the blogger's growth.

That's when the problem comes, it's like running out of ideas and readers or subscribers end-up starting losing trust in the blogger's knowledge, I believe the most important thing in blogging is to get an idea, because once the idea is ready the writing content is not a big deal, at least we are living in the 21st century where the internet is making things easy around the word. You find information like How to write content that Google will love , such post helps finding your ways back to your writing.

Whenever you are confused or you have no topic idea, first look at your blog categories, see which category on your blog you would like to keep updating, when you find that, then start writing that category. Still, if you are not getting anything to write about, then it's the time to make the move to search for ideas, you might want to write them down, the more you do, the more insight of the topic get bigger.

This might sound weird because some writer will tell you that their ideas come when they stop searching for them. Well, this happens sometimes when you might be closing your eyes thinking about your blog, and here ideas start flowing, another way is to read your reader's comment below your blog post, sometimes there are comments that your reader will comment about what you to should blog about next time, or a tip about what should consider when writing another post, or find 15 tips to get fresh interesting post ideas and see if you might come up with something that interests you.

They might come a time when you don't feel like writing, and that's okay because this is something that happens to every blogger, writer and sometimes journalist, feel free to bookmark this post and see if you might find something out of it.

I hope you find this post helpful, your suggestions, insights and maybe you have some tips or technics that help you keep moving, please do share them via comment, and as always follow your heart and take action.